13948 State Hwy 16 N
Medina, Texas 78055, #300
Mon&Thurs: 10a.m. – 6.p.m.
Tues. Wed. & Friday: 10a.m. – 5.p.m.
Saturday: 10a.m. – 1.p.m
The heart of any library is its collection. Developing and maintaining a small but select collection of materials that balance current and local relevance with universality and enduring value is an ongoing priority.
CATALOGUED COLLECTION Materials in the library’s permanent collection of books, audio books, and DVDs, are fully catalogued. To access the library collection catalogue, click HERE.
PERIODICALS The library subscribes to a wide variety of periodicals not listed in the catalogue. To view a listing of magazines and newspapers, click HERE.
GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS The library also keeps on file a broad assortment of uncatalogued current government documents and other informational materials, including many produced by the U.S. Government Printing Office.
In addition to works of general interest, the library features several special collections.
MATERIALS FOR CHILDREN are a high priority. In order to provide a learning resource for Medina’s youth, one-third of the total collection is devoted to children’s materials. Materials for younger readers are shelved in the children’s sections of the library and marked with a blue dot. Those suitable for teens are shelved in the adult section, marked with a green dot.
TEXAS-RELATED MATERIALS are another priority. These include works of fiction, general reference materials, books specifically relating to the natural world of the Edwards Plateau region, materials relating to Texas history in general, and works specifically focused on Medina and Bandera County. Texas-related materials are marked with a white star on the spine; Texas nonfiction and biography are shelved in the Texana Room.
LOCAL AND FAMILY HISTORY The library is developing an archive of information about the area’s history, to preserve an understanding of Medina’s past for future generations. This collection includes:
—detailed cemetery records for western Bandera County on a database available at the library, along with maps and directions for visitors.
—Medina family file drawer. Any Medina individual interested in maintaining family records at the library is welcome to establish a file.
—genealogical resources. The library has a number of non-circulating resources available in a variety of formats for individuals researching their own family history.
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© 2023 Medina Community Library