Unattended Children Policy

The Medina Community Library (“Library”) encourages visits to the library by children and strives to provide a welcoming place for them and their families. The Library is a public facility open to the public and is not a restricted, secured, or protected area. The Library, its director, staff, and board are NOT liable for the care, supervision, safety, or behavior of children on the Library premises. The Library, its director, staff, and board are also NOT liable for any consequences of parents/guardians forfeiting their responsibility for children while on the Library Premises. To provide for the general well-being and safety of children visiting the Library, the Library has adopted the following guidelines:

  • Parents/guardians (even while absent) are responsible for the care, supervision, safety, and behavior of their children while on the Library Premises.
  • Unattended children 11 years of age and older are expected to adhere to the rules of library use and understand their role and responsibility in maintaining a pleasant library environment.
  • A responsible parent, guardian, teacher or assigned caregiver who is at least 16 years of age must always remain on the Library Premises with children 10 years of age and under. The Library reserves the right to contact the Bandera County Sheriff’s Department regarding any unattended children under 10 years of age.
  • At all times a responsible person must remain in the direct “line of sight” of children 5 years of age and under.
  • The Library director and/or staff shall have the right to ask any disruptive children and their parents/guardians/caregiver to immediately leave the Library Premises. Disruptive behavior shall be defined as any behavior which infringes on the rights of others using the Library and others’ use of Library services.
  • Library director and/or staff are prohibited from transporting children to another location under any circumstance.
  • Children must arrange transportation a minimum of 20 minutes prior to the Library closing.
  • If any child is left on the Library Premises after closing, the Library reserves the right to contact the Bandera County Sheriff’s Department.
  • The Library reserves the right to charge the parent/guardian the cost of overtime for Library staff remaining onsite for pick-up of children after hours.
If any of the above guidelines are not followed, the Library reserves the right to restrict and/or prohibit access to the Library premises after such a determination is made by the Medina Community Library Board.


13948 State Hwy 16 N
Medina, Texas 78055, #300

Mon&Thurs: 10a.m. – 6.p.m.

Tues. Wed. & Friday: 10a.m. – 5.p.m.

Saturday: 10a.m. – 1.p.m

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© 2023 Medina Community Library